From the archives of an old DV video cassette comes this conversation where Mamie and her two BFFs recount tales from their road trip down to Nova Scotia and back. Needless to say, I was thrilled to find a bunch more video footage from our travels over the years and there is more to come. When I watch and listen to all of these differing recordings they allow me to recall certain parts of how Mamie talked that I don’t immediately recall. In this one and old gem surfaces – I love the way she used to say “Isn’t that neat?” AND I miss the way she used to throw her head back when she laughed, which we see near the very end of the video.
This footage was taken in 2005 after Sundi and I got married and were driving around North America having started in New Mexico. We stopped in to see mom for a couple weeks when she was living in a coop in downtown Sarnia right behind the library. During that time we frequently went over to the library and grabbed a couple movies for night viewings (we watched Hitchcock films and classics mostly). As it was spring and warmish, we frequented places under the bridge for ice cream, and fish & chips. Of course, we also went to bingo occasionally.
The other ladies in the video are my “second mom” Sheila and a friend Mamie made at the coop – Shirley. Sadly mom and Shirley drifted apart over the years, but you can see here there was some pretty cool chemistry when these ladies got together.
I’m not going to go on at length this week about anything – the video itself should tell the story.
PS: Apologies for the shaky and crappy video work
Keep ’em coming my brother from another mother….love it